Ali Mission Trust is a member driven non-profit organisation in India. We are primarily working on educational empowerment of the society. We are also providing support towards the socio-economic welfare and development of the society at large. For more information, please refer to our projects.

The membership of Ali Mission Trust (AMT) is open to individuals, NGOs, and corporations who are interested in the educational & socio-economic welfare and development of the society at large.

Member Responsibilities

 As a member of Ali Mission Trust you are responsible to:

  • Pay annual membership fee each year
  • Adhere to the organisational policies and promote the work of the organisation.
  • Ensure allocation of time/human resources for the engagement with the Trust, in order to contribute to the strategic objectives
  • Inform Ali Mission Trust of any significant changes, such as change in contact details etc.

Member Commitment

 In addition to the responsibilities, members are invited to commit the following:

  • Engage in the joint advocacy of the above aims and objectives
  • Participate in and collaborate with our team
  • Spread information about Ali Mission Trust’s work to potential new members and contributors
  • Share the information and good practices with the Trust
  • Participate in the meetings of the Trust and make suggestion towards improvement of the current projects
  • Raise funds for current programs

Membership Fees 

Membership fees are important contributions to ensure the sustainability of Ali Mission Trust. They are usually the primary funds to run the current programs and to be used for other organisational activity. With their membership fees and other contributions, members show their support and commitment towards work projects of Ali Mission Trust. It encourages new members to join the organisation and contribute towards these causes.

Ali Mission Trust is committed to ensuring long term association with their members. Therefore, we have kept the membership fee at a minimum so that the long term sustained association between Ali Mission Trust and Members is achieved. The membership fee is as follows:


The membership of Ali Mission Trust (AMT) is open to individuals, NGOs, and corporations who are interested in the educational & socio-economic welfare and development of the society at large.
999 Yeealy
  • List Item #1

Patron Member

The membership of Ali Mission Trust (AMT) is open to individuals, NGOs, and corporations who are interested in the educational & socio-economic welfare and development of the society at large.
4,999 Yeealy
  • List Item #3

Honorary Member

The membership of Ali Mission Trust (AMT) is open to individuals, NGOs, and corporations who are interested in the educational & socio-economic welfare and development of the society at large.
The honorary membership is exclusively offered to certain individuals and organisations as decided by the Board of Trustees.
  • List Item #3

Rights of Member

 A member can terminate their membership through a written resignation, notifying the President/General Secretary at least one month before the expiry of their membership. The resignation letter can be sent to the and the decision will be taken accordingly. The concerned member will be notified in due course.

Members, who do not fulfil the criteria of membership may not be accepted as member. In such cases if a member has already paid the membership, their fees will be refunded to the original source of payment.

Note: All persons who have attained the age of 18 years are eligible to become member of the Trust.

Cessation of Membership

 A member will cease to be a member of the Trust in the following circumstances:

  • Non-payment of Annual subscription fee
  • Death
  • Resignation
  • Expulsion by President/General Secretary
  • If the member is declared insolvent or of unsound mind or is convicted for a criminal offence by a competent court